时间 : 2025年03月13日 09时00分
地点 : B校区经管学院101报告厅
主讲人 : 李应芳 教授
The emergence of sustainability discourse has provided new avenues and momentum for human resource management (HRM) scholars to extend existing lines of enquiry and to generate new ones. This has led to a surge of research interest in sustainability in the last decade, not least as a response to the growing environmental concerns and, more recently, to the Sustainable Development Goals launched by the United Nations in 2015. Increasingly, businesses are expected to pursue several goals, economic, ecological and social, instead of profit alone. Firms have been urged to reimagine their purpose as the licence to operate. This seminar explores the driving forces for a sustainable HRM agenda, varieties of sustainable HRM in existing literature and core arguments. It also identifies research opportunities as well as challenges in advancing the field of sustainable HRM research, in particular, in promoting common good HRM as one strand of sustainable HRM. The seminar offers several suggestions for research.
李应芳教授(英国曼彻斯特大学博士),现为澳大利亚莫纳什大学商学院人力资源管理和亚洲研究特聘教授;澳大利亚社会科学院院士。曾任莫纳什大学商学院副院长、英国曼彻斯特大学商学院教授、澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学管理学院副院长。李应芳的研究兴趣包括战略人力资源管理、知识管理和创新、外包、国际人力资源管理、多元化和包容性管理、雇佣关系、移民研究、医疗保健领域的人力资源管理、数字化对就业和人力资源管理的影响;气候变化、能源转型和工作的未来;可持续发展目标和跨国公司的作用。现已出版个人专著3部;发表学术论文160余篇以及学术书籍章节70余篇,多篇收录于顶级学术期刊《Journal of Management Studies》、《Human Resource Management》、《British Journal of Industrial Relations》、《Human Relations》、《Journal of World Business》、《Journal of Business Research》、《Human Resource Management Journal》以及《International Journal of Human Resource Management》等。李应芳在2011和2018年分别荣获莫纳什大学工商管理及经济学院的“院长卓越研究奖”和“负责任管理教育原则(Principle of Responsible Management Education, PRME)院长卓越研究奖”。李应芳现任《Human Resource Management》、《Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources》和《International Business Review》的联合主编。她曾是DAAD(德国学术交流计划)德国哥廷根大学访问教授(2016年)和英国伦敦国王学院客座教授(2022)。李应芳是联合国环境规划署-国际科学理事会(UNEP-ISC)前瞻专家小组(2023-2024)的小组成员。